Extra Menu

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The Extra menu provides access to Toolbar operations, commands for track focus and movement of the editing or playback cursor that are not available in the default Audacity menus.
  • The Extra menu will be of most interest to visually-impaired users or those who have difficulty using the mouse.
  • Shortcuts can be assigned to these commands if required.
  • This menu can be turned on (or off) at View > Extra Menus (on/off) or the Interface pane of Preferences.
Extra menu 3.5.0 with context.png

  • The first group of items on this menu mostly provide menu equivalents of toolbar actions. Most things that can be achieved using the toolbars can be achieved using these menu items.
  • The second and third groups of items on this menu includes 'scriptables', that is commands which are usually used from scripts or macros

Transport SubMenu  

Extended commands related to play and record. Find out more about the 'Transport' submenu here.

Tools SubMenu  

Extended commands to select the tool, for example Envelope Tool or Multi Tool. Find out more about the 'Tools' submenu here.

Mixer SubMenu  

Extended commands related to volume. Find out more about the 'Mixer' submenu here.

Edit SubMenu  

Extended commands related to editing. Find out more about the 'Edit' submenu here.

Play-at-Speed SubMenu  

Extended commands related to play at speed. Find out more about the 'Play-at-Speed' submenu here.

Seek SubMenu  

Extended commands providing menu equivalents for the short and long seek commands which skip the playback cursor backwards (left) or forwards (right) by a short or long period of time.. Find out more about the 'Seek' submenu here.

Device SubMenu  

Extended commands related to selecting a device. Find out more about the 'Device' submenu here.

Selection SubMenu  

Extended commands related to selecting. Find out more about the 'Selection' submenu here.

Export SubMenu  

Enables you to Export audio as: MP3, WAV, OGG or FLAC. Also enables you to export just the selected audio.

Focus SubMenu  

Extra commands to set focus, usually focus on one track. Find out more about the 'Focus' submenu here.

Cursor SubMenu  

Extra commands to move the cursor. Find out more about the 'Cursor' submenu here.

Track SubMenu  

Extra commands to operate on a track that has focus. Find out more about the 'Track' submenu here.

Scriptables I SubMenu  

Extra commands that are particularly useful in Macros. Find out more about the 'Scriptables I' submenu here.

Scriptables II SubMenu  

Extra commands that are particularly useful in Macros. Find out more about the 'Scriptables II' submenu here.

Full Screen (on/off)  F11 (on Mac ⌘ + /)

Toggle full screen mode with no title bar.

Minimize All Projects  Option + ⌘ + M - Mac only

On Mac only there is an extra command in this menu "Minimize All Projects", shortcut Option + ⌘ + M, which minimizes all Audacity projects that you have open.